4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting a Dog

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting a Dog

Have you or someone you know ever received a puppy for Christmas? It’s the ultimate gift in every Hallmark movie. As sweet as it can be to give or receive a puppy, thousands of dogs are surrendered to shelters every year as unwanted presents. An animal of any kind is a huge commitment. Here are the 4 questions you should ask yourself before adopting a dog!

Do you have time?

French bulldog sitting

Pets are an incredible time commitment. If you’re looking to adopt a puppy, you’ll need to be prepared for frequent feedings and potty breaks. Since puppies can do little on their own, these basics will take up the majority of your time. In addition to potty training, you’ll want to begin teaching simple commands like coming when called, sitting, and not biting. While puppyhood does tend to fly by for most people, training and socialization is essential for a well-rounded, happy dog. 

Maybe you don’t want a puppy. Maybe you’re considering adopting an adult dog. Unfortunately, adult dogs also need help adjusting to their new environment. Ensuring that your pet grows comfortable in their environment can be exhausting, taking up plenty of time and effort. 

If you’re considering a dog, sit down and take serious stock of your life. How long and how frequently do you work? Do you travel often? Are there other people in the house that can care for your dog when you aren’t present? When you come home from a long day of work, are you ready to take your pup for a walk? These are all things to consider when deciding on a pet. 

Do you have the money?

dog running in field

Not only are pets a time commitment, but they are also a financial commitment. Food, water, and treats are probably the first ongoing expense you might consider. However, you also need a leash, collar, tags, food and water bowls, and toys like balls or ropes. A visit to the vet for yearly check-ups, any special medication, and getting spayed or neutered will also cost a pretty penny. You should also highly consider a multivitamin like the PupGrade Daily Multivitamin to keep your pup healthy and strong. Understanding your financial situation is vital to preparing for a pet. 

Do you have other pets?

three dogs on leashes

The next question to ask before adopting a dog is do you have other pets in the house? There are multi-pet households all over the world that function just fine. However, when thinking about bringing in a new animal, it is important to consider a few things. What animals do you currently have in your home? What are their temperaments in comparison to the temperament of the dog you want? Do your current animals get along with animals they meet on a daily basis? This will give you a good baseline for how your pets may adapt to a dog in the home. 

Will you be adopting from a shelter?

Dog at a shelter

It’s one of the noblest things you can do to adopt a dog from a shelter. Over 3.3 million dogs enter US shelters every single year. Unfortunately, 670,000 dogs are euthanized yearly due to overcrowding and lack of adoption. Adopting from the shelter is a fantastic opportunity to give a dog a new lease on life. However, this can also present a major challenge. Many shelter dogs have been surrendered from abusive situations, making them unique in the way they relate to the world around them. Please keep this in mind when choosing to adopt from a shelter. 

Other questions you should ask:

  • What type of dog do you want? 
  • Are you prepared to train your new dog?
  • Is your household on the same page when it comes to responsibility?
  • Does the dog have any history to keep in mind?
  • Will your dog be chipped? Spayed or neutered?
  • Will this dog have adequate space? 
  • Will this dog be around children?
  • How large does this breed grow?
  • Will this dog be crate trained?

At PupGrade, we firmly believe that everyone deserves the love and companionship of a dog. The amount of unconditional, overwhelming love that comes from a pup cannot be replicated. That being said, please remember that adopting a pet is a commitment to yourself and that animal to provide a loving, caring, and safe home. By asking these questions, you will be better equipped to open your household to the love of a pet. Click HERE to download our Adoption Questionnaire to prepare for your new life as a dog owner!

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